Welcome to the Centre for Cross-Cultural Research Website. You could find information about Professor Safdar, current and past graduate students, honours students, and visiting scholars on this website using the links below.
The Centre for Cross-Cultural Research was established in 2005 after receiving support from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). Since its establishment, the Centre has hosted doctoral and masters’ students, undergraduate honours students, research assistants, and visiting fellows. Additionally, several local, national, and international collaborations have been developed, all of which have been based at the Centre, where focus groups and workshops are conducted and data are analysed and stored. The Centre is uniquely situated to provide various projects with the necessary intellectual and infrastructure resources to enable success.
International researchers are welcome to spend their sabbatical or their research leave at the Centre for Cross-Cultural Research. To apply please contact Prof. Safdar, at ssafdar@uoguelph.ca
Lab Links

Spencer Tropea is the artist who designed the logo for the Centre for Cross-Cultural Research. He is an artist who is involved with various forms of design, photography, music and writing. Graduating from Humber College with a Public Relations Diploma, he seeks out ways to help brand different companies, organizations and education groups. Spencer enjoys travel, reading fantasy, getting lost in his imagination and his obsession with coffee. For any inquiries, contact him via e-mail:spencertropea@hotmail.com