The 24th Annual Congress for the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology was hosted at the University of Guelph in July 2018 with the support of the Centre for Cross-Cultural Research. Psychologists around the world came and participated in a wonderful, exciting event.
Public Reactions to COVID-19
Prof. Safdar was one of the panelists presenting on COVID-19 on January 26, 2021 (See the full presentation in the YouTube link below).
Public Reactions to COVID-19:
Yuanfang Lin (Marketing and Consumer Studies).
Saba Safdar (Psychology).
Andrew Papadopoulous (Population Medicine).
(Februrary 1, 2017)
Below is an open letter written by a group of Canadian professors and practitioners, including past and present leadership of the CPA . In this letter the researchers have voiced their concerns about travel ban in the U.S. and right wing rhetoric unfolding in other parts of the world. Please click on the link below to read the letter.
In the News
Racism Toward Refugees an Example of Double Standards, Says U of G Expert
Why Does Culture Matter to COVID-19?
We Can’t Allow Scapegoating of Minorities
Guelph Psychology Prof Sees Travel Ban Negatives in Personal Light