The Centre for Cross-Cultural Research has an official collaboration with the Research Group in Social, Environmental, and Organizational Psychology (PsicoSAO) at the University of Barcelona in Spain. http://www.ub.edu/grc_psicosao2/index.php?lang=en
This collaboration was developed with the aim of establishing new research projects in the field of intercultural relations with a focus on immigrations, refugees, and international students. Additionally, the collaboration aims at completing existing research projects, providing opportunity for faculty mobility, cooperating on cross-national funding applications, co-presenting at international conferences, and co-authoring scholarly publications.

Centre for Cross-Cultural Research has a Memorandum of Understanding for research related activities with Instituto Polibienestar, at the University of Valencia in Spain. Prof. Jorge Garces Ferrer is Head of Instituto Polibienestar (jordi.garces@uv.es). https://www.polibienestar.org/?lang=en
This agreement allows for creation of a joint research group between the Centre for Cross-Cultural Research at the University of Guelph and Polibienestar at the University of Valencia. The joint research group will collaborate and develop research projects in the areas of 1) migration and intercultural relations and 2) acculturation and ethnic identity. The joint research group work collaboratively and apply for external funding to support their research.